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Slovník ekonomických pojmů
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Yellow sticker on my package: ... articles 28 and 29 of the Treaty...

Do you know what that means when you get a package with a yellow sticker with the text: "Goods not Fulfilling the conditions laid down...

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This has nothing to with tax and other misinformation going around here and other websites. First off, the yellow sticker related to taxes refers articles 9 and 10. On the other hand, the yellow sticker stating articles 28 and 29 refer to goods that are not allowed in all EU member states or that cannot be sold among member states, ie: tobacco related products or, more recently, ecigars and/or ecigars consumables. Dangerous materials such as ion/lithium batteries and so on. Until now, I haven't found one website that explains the truth about this issue.
autor: | vloženo: 09. 05. 2018, 15:49:58 | odpovědět 

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